Work travel has been kicking my butt lately, so my apologies for the lack of posts. We have a lot to catch up on and a ton of places to go get your eat and drink on, so let’s get started! First, a quick update on U.S. Pizza-gate. Despite repeated attempts by us and othersContinue reading “So many restaurants, so little time!”
Category Archives: Dining
Happy Friday! Here, have some good news!
Thanks to a bit of outstanding legwork by our blog friend, Fran Hickman, we’ve confirmed that dogs are NOT prohibited on restaurant patios, as previously reported. After reading our post on Wednesday, Fran contacted the Arkansas Department of Health for more information. According an email she received from Robert Brech, Office of General Counsel atContinue reading “Happy Friday! Here, have some good news!”
BREAKING NEWS: Arkansas Department of Health Enforcing Ban of Dogs on Patios
I was pointed by our reader, Jennifer B., to a post on U.S. Pizza’s Facebook wall this afternoon indicating that the Arkansas Department of Health is now forbidding them from permitting dogs on their patios because it’s deemed “a health department violation.” Have a look. This enforcement is about to impact dozens of local restaurantsContinue reading “BREAKING NEWS: Arkansas Department of Health Enforcing Ban of Dogs on Patios”